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Girl In Water Photography

Hello, beautiful being! I am Jamie, and I'm so excited and grateful that you're here!
I am a completely self taught (and forever learning) photographer and tidepool naturalist, living on the extremely beautiful Oregon Coast-in Yachats Oregon which is stolen Alsi and Siletz land. Photography has always been one of my mega passions, but for a large majority of my 35 years on this planet, I was immersed in the world of marine biology and aquarium sciences, diving (literally) in head first to the field when I was 11 and not resurfacing till I was 30. 

After a very heartbreaking work experience, I decided to take some time off from the aquarium field, and out of a need to take care of my mental health, I peered back into a favorite artistic passion, which has always been photography. 
Melding these two passions together to form my @girlinwaterphotography Instagram page in 2017, has led to me fully realizing that being an artist in this world is possible, and that this career path (while not overly lucrative, much like marine biology) is what really truly makes my heart sing. 

I want to further educate and share the wonders of this part of the world in a respectful manner, as well as the creatures, lands, and waters that have absolutely captivated me since I was a tiny barnacle myself. 
This work the last few years has bloomed into truly the most incredible thing I have ever felt and done, this community has become family in so many ways, and I can't imagine doing anything else now.

Beyond my photography, I am proudly the Programs Associate and Tidepool Ambassador Coordinator for the Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve.

My goal is to be a steward for these lands and sea- to continue to take precious care of these environments as well as the communities that have taken such incredible care of me-who have helped form  and nurture who I am over the years.

Symbiotic relationship!
My goal is to provide more involved and exciting education based around the local species and habitats, using my over two decades of marine biology and animal care experiences through my photography.

My goal is to provide a safe space for mindful, inclusive exploration, tuning into your senses and surroundings, and forming and solidifying the bridges that connect mental health and our natural world, while making sure to honor and respect those whose stolen land we reside on. 
All of this in hopes to further inspire people to fall in love with these habitats and creatures, to inspire a need to help protect these fragile, vital places. This area is sacred, and I want to honor her and continue to learn from her, and pass on those lessons to others who feel the pull.

In deep gratitude. I love yous. Thank you for being here. 
Girl in Water

2018-09-15 06.11.38 1-01.jpeg
2019-08-02 02.27.25 1-01.jpeg
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